POP UP Stockholm

Address: Stureplan 19

Welcome to Wool rebels Pop up shop/Showroom at

Stureplan in Stockholm
between 24 Sept - 7 Oct.

There is the opportunity to try the new collection for Sportiga Urbans, all garments are insulated with our own FÅRTEX® insulation, made from 100% Swedish wool. Clothes for the outdoors with style.


24/9 Tuesday 10am-8pm
25/9 Wednesday 10am-8pm
26/9 Thursday 10am-8pm
27/9 Friday 10am-8pm
28/9 Saturday 10am-8pm
29/9 Sunday10am-8pm
30/9 Monday 10am-8pm
1/10 Tuesday 10am-8pm
2/10 Wednesday 10am-8pm
3/10 Thursday 10 am - 8 pm
4/10 Friday 10 - 20
5/10 Saturday 10 am - 8 pm
6/10 Sunday 10 am - 8 pm
7/10 Monday 10 - 20
8/10 Tuesday 10am-8pm